Thursday, April 3, 2014

Conquered the Beast

So I survived it!!  The ever terrifying MRI Machine that has plagued my sleep for the last several nights. 
I had to get to my appointment an hour early so that I would have time to take the sedative and have it kick in before my MRI.  However my nerves about taking the sedative were still in high gear and I was truly debating which was worse.  But we got there and filled out paperwork, paid copays and signed my life away and then the technician brought me out my teeny tiny white pill.  He assured me that the amount he was giving me was the smallest possible dosage, as I was terrified that it would be too much since I am such a lightweight and that it would just relax me and nothing else.  So he told me to put the pill under my tongue for a minute and then swallow it with water. I did so, but the second it was under my tongue I was back to debating which fear I feared the most.  But in the end I swallowed!!! After just a few minutes I felt my lids getting heavy, but was not feeling relaxed and carefree by any means.  Then they called me in the back to get undressed, take off all of my jewelery and put all of my belongings into a locker.  My panic and anxiety were not really dissipating as I had been promised.  Then I am called into the room to face the beast!!  I have to sit and have an IV placed in my arm and then climb onto the beast tummy down, tata's sticking into holes and face down into another hole.  Arms straight out over my head with my IV arm as straight as possible. I get all situated and then am told not to move.  They stick in ear plugs and hand me my panic ball to squeeze in case I absolutely have to have them pull me out.  I think it is actually beneficial that my face is stuck in a hole and I can not see anything around me.  I can not see how confined I am or how far into the machine I am. I just keep trying to convince myself that it is very open and roomy around me.  The hard part is actually not at all what I expected.  The claustrophobic part actually bothers me a lot less than I thought and I am just in complete discomfort that turns into pain from having to be in an awkward position for 40 minutes without moving an inch.  By 20 minutes in, my arms are completely asleep, tingling fingers that are getting more and more sore, my rib cage is getting sore from the table digging in and a throbbing headache from my forehead digging into the same spot for such a long period of time.  He warned me that they would insert the dye with about 10 minutes left to go.  So when he told me they were ready for the dye, I just was trying with all my might to not let the pain get to me, I was almost through, I had to finish. I was not going to have to redo any of this again!!   The last round of banging and dinging and screeching felt like it would never end, but once it finally did and they were in there releasing me from the beast I was so excited to know that it was over.  I couldn't wait to move!  It felt incredible.  Although because I was full of Valium I couldn't really express my appreciation for this moment.  So I made it past hurdle one of many many many to come, but it's my first fight in my battle and although perhaps not gracefully, I conquered it nontheless!!


  1. Thank you Lord for letting Katrina get through her MRI like a trooper! Keeping you in my prayers always..
