Monday, March 31, 2014

Groundhog Day

So it has been several days since my last post, but I haven't really felt like there was much to update on.  It's been a little bit like 'Groundhog Day', living the same day over and over.  I get up, wrap my head around my current life situation and then begin to list and process all of the phone calls that need to be made for the day.  Which office is currently supposed to be submitting authorizations or is awaiting an authorization or needs to submit further documentation or redo an authorization?  Then I spend most of the day on hold and trying to coordinate all of the proper paperwork to the proper place and then am exhausted, frustrated and disappointed by the end of the day and then go to bed and prepare to do it again.   I am really trying to stay hopeful that things are about to change and start going my way, but it's getting harder and harder to keep up any positivity.  
I've still been trying to enjoy as much as possible.  Had a good weekend, spending time with friends and family. Trying to get in as many workouts as I can while I can.  Went to yoga too.  I think I will try and get back into again until I cant anymore. 
Had to go get blood work done today and Riley braved it with me.  We did it together and she did great. She cried for a little bit, which she had hoped not to do, but I think it hurt a lot more than she anticipated! :(  But she sucked it up to ensure there was a popsicle in her future! :)
I have a scheduled breast MRI this Thursday and will definitely need a promise of a popsicle or something to give me motivation, because I am stressing hardcore about this.  My deep anxiety of being unable to escape is in high gear.  I do have the option of getting a sedative, but my anxiety about medication is causing my stress level to continue at an alarming rate.
I do realize that in the grand scheme of things, this is the easiest thing I will have to endure in the near future, but rationality is not always my strong suit.
Well here's to hoping that tomorrow brings a day worth posting about!! :)

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