Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Really Really Sucks

Two steps forward......three steps back!!

Things have been going pretty good.  Went back to work. Started working out.  Went camping over the weekend and spent fun times with friends and family. My range of motion is pretty good and I can lift most things now.  Still sleep pretty awful, but overall feeling good. 

Got up this morning at 4:15, pressure in my chest and expander's poking and prodding.  Stressing about having to start taking tamoxifen and thinking about hot flashes and fatigue and regretting doing research last night.  I have appointments with my plastic surgeon and oncologist.  I know that my oncologist is going to tell me I have to start my hormone therapy today and I am dreading it.  I get showered and ready and Sarah arrives to join me and Riley.  We get in the car and drive down to Orange County.  The traffic is bad, but we get there with plenty of time and go get breakfast at Corner Bakery.  Then we go and check in at the office.  Get called in for Dr. Gaon's office for my next expansion.  Dr. Gaon goes ahead and pumps in another 80 cc's and it is crazy how much bigger they get!!  I actually have boobs.  Dr. Gaon says I probably only need one more expansion and then I'll be done.  Looks like I'll be ready for my replacement surgery sooner than I thought. Yay.  Go back into the waiting room to wait for my appointment with Dr. Link.  Dr. Link calls us into his office, says that the good thing is that the lymph nodes were clear and my tumor was less than 2cm, which is good, HOWEVER, should have known there would be a HOWEVER!! So, however, my Mammaprint testing came back high risk, so..........Chemo it is!! I thought for sure I was going to dodge that bullet.  I was feeling so positive!!  So in a couple of days I will be pumped full of some nasty ass drugs, feel like crap and lose my hair.  I have already been cut open and had parts cut off and plastic parts jammed in that are incredibly painful and uncomfortable, I was kind of hoping I had been through enough.  Have I mentioned that cancer really really SUCKS!!!!!

1 comment:

  1. Keeping my prayers for you Katrina that you will go through the chemo with out and ill effects. One thing when you eat you may have a bad taste if you use metal utensils, so use plastic instead. I went through chemo/radiation and radiation implants three times for cervical cancer back in 2002-2005! My neice who is a nurse told me about the utensils and it really helped.. I'm praying for you every day. God Bless you Love Lill
